
How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Business

promote business through social media

The entrepreneurial world has seen a lot of improvement in the last few years. Especially during the COVID era, we have seen a lot of home-based businesses flourish and make their mark in the industry. Starting a business is not an easy task. It requires a lot of effort, time, dedication and the right strategies to make it in the competitive market. A very important thing to consider after setting up a business is how it will create awareness among its target market.

This is an essential part of marketing. Promoting your business is no doubt a tedious task however, with the advent of social media things have become easier and more budget-friendly especially for new startups. Here is how social media can help promote your business.

Your Business Profile

Your business profile is the very first thing a potential customer or investor will look at. Your business profile should be unique and at the same time should make the purpose of your business crystal clear to your audience. This can be done easily with social media.

Facebook has a good option of building a profile right in the beginning which catches your audience’s eye as soon as they land on your page. Make sure you give complete information which includes the link to your online store, or website, and proper contact info which includes your email address and phone number.

Use Hashtags

Instagram has been working on hashtags for a long time now. You can use hashtags to promote and advertise your business in your captions and in your bio too. While all of us know that it is important to post regularly to keep our followers interested in our business and the product and services it has to offer we often forget that the right and meaningful hashtags below our pictures can have a good impact as it allows people to search for our product more often.

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Cross Promotions Are Amazing

Cross promotions are something that most people shy away from. However, it is an effective tactic to increase your traffic and consequently potential customers. Cross promotions mean that you ask your existing followers on one social media platform to follow your other social media accounts too. It is a great way to advertise your business.

However, make sure that the content you post any social media platform should be relevant meaningful and appropriate to your audience. Use your social media space wisely. For example, you can use the initial bio section on Facebook and Instagram to mention your other social media links. This way you can use one platform to promote all other social media profiles you have.

Access to Your Website

Gone are the days when people use to go and type out your website on google chrome. These days everyone wants to see your online store or website with one click. You may already have an idea of the importance of a website in this digital era of technology. Just like it is advisable to have a website it is also imperative to make it accessible to your potential customers too.

This is where social media comes in. You can easily promote your website while posting content and of course in your bio too. So use these spaces to promote and increase traffic on your website. While there may be other methods to do increase traffic like PPC marketing, and SEO marketing social media may be one of the least expensive options to market your business.

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Make Ads

Gone are the days when television used to be the primary source of advertisements for a business. Now in the day and age of social media, you can be as creative as you want with your ads, target a very specific audience, and also avoid the hassle of going through the tedious process of getting your advertisements run like in the era of television. Social media allows you to filter the people you want to make your advertisement available. This may be based on age, gender, and even hobbies.

Tagging Products

This is fairly a new addition to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram but extremely helpful for business owners. Facebook and Instagram have introduced tags that look like shopping bags which you can use with your posts. Clicking these tags will redirect the customer to a page that will give more details and a brief description of the product. Make this description as interesting as possible to keep the interest of your customer.

Social Media Discounts

Discounts are something that every customer loves. These make the customer happy and also ensure sales and revenue for your business. Make your social media page a platform for getting discount codes in posts, stories, and pictures. You can even have giveaways which are a very good way to increase your sales. When you offer discount codes people will visit your page often and while searching for a discount they may also stumble on some new products or services you have launched.

Final Thoughts

Social media is one of the most convenient and easiest ways to market your business. All you need is a computer and a working internet connection with an affordable package which you can find easily at FirstEnergy Com. You need to strategize and wisely use the space that your social media platform provides you to reap the maximum benefits for your business. If your business allows you, you may also hire a social media strategist for your business.

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