
‘Apple Card’- A cherry on the top of iOS Cake

apple card

In the hot summer of 2019, Apple is planning to launch a hot new update for iOS with all new Apple card. Which is a credit card not launched by any bank but Apple itself?

For all the Apple users out there must be very much familiar with apple pay. It has really brought a turnaround in the world of technology and really revolutionized IT. The apple card carries all the features of apple pay including security, simplicity, and transparency.

Apple Card & Digital World

In this fast-changing world where everything is evolving to digital at a very rapid rate isn’t this a good idea to have digital cash as well? Certainly, it is. The mobile phone is something humans are getting too dependent on.

We do understand your mobile phone is important but so is your hard-earned money. At times we get so involved with mobiles that we end up forgetting everything, and I mean it. You end up forgetting there is a world around you.

There are people waiting to take advantage of those moments. And you might end up losing your hard-earned cash. So why not say no to cash and keep it all digital and safe, so that your love story with your mobile just keep going long and strong.

Apple card allows you to spend anytime anywhere and also pay less interest for your buy unlike other credit cards charging high-interest rates. The card stays in the apple wallet app and has a very easy and quick sign up process for same.

Advantages that come with iOS apple card

Cherries on the top of the cake always tastes amazing. Don’t they? Let us check how many cherries do we have on our cake.

  • it gives you a cashback which is actually real cash for the purchase you are doing and it can be used for making a further purchase or can be used to pay your bills or just use it during your next hangout. More importantly, this cashback gets credited in your wallet on a daily basis.
  • Who doesn’t like to keep a track of when and where and on what I have spent this month and if all this gets a color coding and gets presented on your phone it would certainly help me plan my spending in a much better way.
  • I don’t like pay a penny extra over the MRP price but if I am using a credit card I end up paying a lot more extra. Apple card takes care of that as well as making sure you don’t pay a lot extra.
  • Unlike all credit cards for which you have to pay a yearly fee, Apple card doesn’t charge you a penny.
  • Real-time fraud protection is something to look forward to as it gives you the power to notify apple with just a tap and apple will take care of that.
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That’s a lot of cherries I guess and would certainly make the cake tastier. But should we not take care of the cake as well? We certainly can get total mobile protection something like t mobile protection plan to protect our cake.

Data Protection and Privacy

Apple certainly has the highest level of security for thefts and data protection but if things not going your way which is what life is all about ups and downs. You can break it accidentally and to add to that if the phone is not covered under t mobile warranty you might end up paying a lot for what could have been sorted without paying a hefty cheque.

Taking risk is not everyone’s cup of tea. Most of us prefer playing safe. Insurance is one of the best ways to play safe instead of waiting for the bad to occur. Even if something goes wrong you can use t mobile insurance claim to claim for your loss.


Along with all these updates, your data is something that has to be taken care of because it is really close to your heart. As usual, Apple is certainly taking care of that as well in this new update where the data transfer from the older version to the newer version is getting a lot smoother.

If you are using an iPhone, apple watch is something you would like to have to go along with your phone. Well, good news to all those who already own it. The latest update for the watch has released along with the phone’s updates, hence keeping them synced and smoothly working.

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Author Bio:

Cory Hungate is a writer living in Chicago and currently working for i.e. Consumer Electronic Warranty Provider Company, which also offers total home protection plans. He is very passionate about his work. Also a huge follower of technology, traveling, and fitness.

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